Using different surface markers it has been possible to isolate lymphoid lineage-biased progentors and test their potential in vivo and in vitro. Here we apply single cell sequencing of lymphoid progenitors to obtain further insights into differentiation and commitment to the lymphoid lineage. Overall design: Single cells from the bone marrow from various stages during lymphoid differentiation were sorted into 384-well plates based on their surface marker expression of Flt3, Sca-1 and c-Kit and processed using a modified version of the CEL-Seq2 protocol (Hashimshony et al. 2016, Genome Biology, DOI: 10.1186/s13059-016-0938-8). In addition the original version of the CEL-Seq2 protoco and thel modified versions with different volume reductions and were compared using murine embryonic stem cells.