A project to identify genes and transcripts regulated by infection in Drosophila melanogaster.
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Sex, Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment
View SamplesRNAseq data from Interleukin-21 contributes to fatal inflammatory disease in the absence of FoxP3+ T regulatory cells
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View SamplesGenes encoding the circadian pacemaker in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of mammals have recently been identified, but the molecubasis of circadian timing in peripheral tissue is not well understood. We used a bead-based microarray to identify mouse liver transcripts that show circadian cycles of abundance under constant conditions.
Comprehensive analysis of microRNA-mRNA co-expression in circadian rhythm.
Sex, Age, Specimen part
View SamplesBased on the assumption that molecular mechanisms involved in cancerogenesis are characterized by groups of coordinately expressed genes, we developed and validated a novel method for analyzing transcriptional data called Correlated Gene Set Analysis (CGSA). Using 50 extracted gene sets we identified three different profiles of tumors in a cohort of 364 Diffuse large B-cell (DLBCL) and related mature aggressive B-cell lymphomas other than Burkitt lymphoma. The first profile had high level of expression of genes related to proliferation whereas the second profile exhibited a stromal and immune response phenotype. These two profiles were characterized by a large scale gene activation affecting genes which were recently shown to be epigenetically regulated, and which were enriched in oxidative phosphorylation, energy metabolism and nucleoside biosynthesis. The third and novel profile showed only low global gene activation similar to that found in normal B cells but not cell lines. Our study indicates novel levels of complexity of DLBCL with low or high large scale gene activation related to metabolism and biosynthesis and, within the group of highly activated DLBCLs, differential behavior leading to either a proliferative or a stromal and immune response phenotype.
Massive transcriptional perturbation in subgroups of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas.
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View SamplesFor revealing the carcinogenesis mechanism leading to malignant alteration at the transcriptome level, we performed mRNA-Seq for mouse tumor samples that were obtained by using a DMBA-TPA two-step experimental carcinogenesis protocol.
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View SamplesGene transcription in a set of 49 human primary lung adenocarcinomas and 9 normal lung tissue samples was examined using Affymetrix GeneChip technology. We aimed to investigate differential gene expression between the two tissue types. A total of 3,442 genes, called the set MAD, were found to be either up- or down-regulated by at least two fold between the two phenotypes. Genes assigned to a particular gene ontology term were found, in many cases, to be significantly unevenly distributed between the genes in and outside MAD. Terms that were overrepresented in MAD included functions directly implicated in cancer cell metabolism. Based on their functional roles and expression profiles, genes in MAD were grouped into likely co-regulated gene sets.
Conserved transcription factor binding sites of cancer markers derived from primary lung adenocarcinoma microarrays.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Disease, Disease stage
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