Maternal innate and adaptive immune responses are modulated during pregnancy to concurrently defend against infection and tolerate the semi-allogeneic fetus. The restoration of these systems after childbirth is poorly understood. We reasoned that enhanced innate immune activation may extend beyond gestation while adaptive immunity recovers. To test this hypothesis, the transcriptional profiles of total PBMCs following delivery in healthy women were compared to those of non-pregnant control subjects. Interestingly, interferon stimulated genes (ISGs) encoding proteins such as IFIT1, IFIT2, and IFIT3, as well as signaling proteins such as STAT1, STAT2, and MAVS, were enriched postpartum. Antiviral genes were primarily expressed in CD14+ cells and could be stratified according to genetic variation at the interferon-3 gene (IFNL3, also named IL28B) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs12979860. Antiviral gene expression was sustained beyond six months following delivery in mothers with a CT or TT genotype but resembled baseline non-pregnant control levels following delivery in mothers with a CC genotype. CT and TT IFNL3 genotypes have been associated with persistent elevated ISG expression in individuals chronically infected with hepatitis C virus. Together these data suggest that postpartum, the normalization of the physiological rheostat controlling interferon signaling is dependent on IFNL3 genotype.
Prolonged activation of innate antiviral gene signature after childbirth is determined by IFNL3 genotype.
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View SamplesMost of the breast cancer samples used in clinical research contain multiple cell types other than epithelial cells alone. The non-epithelial cell types have have a substantial effect on the gene expression-profile, which is used to define molecular subtypes of the tumours. The purpose of this data set is to retrieve gene-expression profile within tumour epithelial cells. We collected 9 breast cancer epithelial cell lines and 5 tumour sampes from which epithelial cells were sorted and enriched using BerEp4 antibody coated beads. We profiled the mRNA expression level of these samples and classified probe sets into epithelial genes which were those genes with present calls in at least 50% of the samples. Then we derived an 23-gene signature based on only the epithelial genes to stratify breast cancer.
Minimising immunohistochemical false negative ER classification using a complementary 23 gene expression signature of ER status.
Specimen part
View SamplesA three-factor design was applied to study the relationship between specific growth rate and genome-wide gene expression in 36 steady-state chemostat cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Transcription factor control of growth rate dependent genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a three factor design.
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View SamplesWe investigated the specificity profiles of a variety of RNA guided adenosine deaminases while exploring roles of NLS/NES and hyperactive mutants via analysis of the transcriptome-wide off-target A->G editing effected by these tools. To this end, HEK 293T cells were transfected with each construct and analyzed by RNA-seq. Untransfected cells were included as controls. From each sample, we collected ~40 million uniquely aligned sequencing reads. We then used Fisher's exact test to quantify significant changes in A->G editing yields, relative to untransfected cells, at each reference adenosine site having sufficient read coverage. The number of sites with at least one A->G editing event detected in any of the samples was computed. Overall design: Study of transcriptome wide A->G off-targets arising due to the overexpression of a variety of RNA guided adenosine deaminases.
In vivo RNA editing of point mutations via RNA-guided adenosine deaminases.
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View SamplesArterial smooth muscle cells (ASMCs) undergo phenotypic changes during development and pathological processes in vivo and during cell culture in vitro. Our previous studies demonstrated that retrovirally-mediated expression of the versican V3 splice variant (V3) that lacks glycosaminoglycan chains by ASMCs retards cell proliferation and migration in vitro and reduces neointimal thickening, macrophage and lipid accumulation in animal models of vascular injury and atherosclerosis. However, the molecular pathways induced by V3 expression that are responsible for these changes are not yet clear. In the present study, we employed a microarray approach to examine how expression of V3 induced changes in gene expression and the molecular pathways in ASMCs. We found that forced expression of V3 by ASMCs affected expression of 521 genes by more than 1.5 fold. Gene ontology (GO) analysis shows that components of extracellular matrix were the most significantly affected by V3 expression, indicating that V3 expression elicits profound remodeling of extracellular matrix. In addition, genes regulating the formation of the cytoskeleton which also serve as markers of contractile smooth muscle cells were significantly upregulated. On the other hand, components of the complement system, chemokines, chemokine receptors, and transcription factors crucial for regulating inflammatory processes were among the genes most downregulated. Consistently, we found that the level of myocardin, a key transcription factor promoting contractile ASMC phenotype, was greatly increased while proinflammatory transcription factors NFkappaB1 and C/EBP were significantly attenuated in V3-expressing SMCs. Such results indicate that V3 expression reprograms ASMC into differentiated and anti-inflammatory phenotypes. Overall, these findings demonstrate that expression of V3 reprograms ASMCs promoting anti-inflammatory and differentiated smooth muscle cell phenotypes potentially by altering cell-ECM interaction and focal adhesion signaling pathways.
Expression of V3 Versican by Rat Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells Promotes Differentiated and Anti-inflammatory Phenotypes.
Specimen part
View SamplesTo identify transcripts altered upon LIN-41 knockdown, we transfected either a control siRNA or one of two different LIN-41 siRNAs into human embryonic stem cells and collected total RNA 72 hours after transfection. Overall design: We compared transcript levels between control siRNA or LIN-41 siRNA treated cells.
The let-7/LIN-41 pathway regulates reprogramming to human induced pluripotent stem cells by controlling expression of prodifferentiation genes.
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View SamplesThe Sin3 histone deacetylase (HDAC) complex is a 1.2 MDa chromatin modifying complex that can repress transcription by binding to gene promoters and deacetylating histones. The Sin3/HDAC complex can affect cell cycle progression through multiple mechanisms and is among the targets of anticancer drugs, called HDAC inhibitors. We describe the identification of a new subunit of the Sin3 complex named family with sequence similarity 60 member A (FAM60A). We show that FAM60A/Sin3 complexes normally suppress the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and cell migration. This occurs through transcriptional repression of genes that encode components of the TGF-beta signaling pathway. This work reveals that FAM60A and the Sin3 complex are upstream repressors of TGF-beta signaling, EMT and cell migration and extends the known biological roles of the Sin3 complex. This experiment investigates the role of FAM60A in gene expression by comparing A549 lung cancer cells treated with or without siRNA against FAM60A.
Human family with sequence similarity 60 member A (FAM60A) protein: a new subunit of the Sin3 deacetylase complex.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesInflammation has pleiotropic effects on carcinogenesis and tumor progression. Signaling through the adaptor protein MyD88 promotes carcinogenesis in several chemically induced cancer models. Interestingly, we observed a protective role for MyD88 in the development of AOM/DSS colitis-associated cancer. The inability of Myd88-/- mice to heal ulcers generated upon injury creates an inflammatory environment that increases the frequency of mutations and results in a dramatic increase in adenoma formation and cancer progression. Susceptibility to colitis development and enhanced polyp formation were also observed in Il18-/- mice upon AOM/DSS treatment, suggesting that the phenotype of MyD88 knockouts is in part due to their inability to signal through the IL-18 receptor. This study revealed a previously unknown level of complexity surrounding MyD88 activities downstream of different receptors that differentially impact tissue homeostasis and carcinogenesis.
MyD88-mediated signaling prevents development of adenocarcinomas of the colon: role of interleukin 18.
Specimen part, Disease, Disease stage
View SamplesCytotoxic T cells confer a prognostic benefit in many tumors, including ovarian cancer. We and others have previously identified a subset of CD8+ T cells, namely CD103+CD8+ T cells, that seems to have a better prognostic effect. The aim of this study is to identify how these CD103+ T cells differ from CD103-CD8+ T cells on mRNA level in human samples of ovarian cancer. Overall design: mRNA profiles of 10 pools of 20 cells CD103+CD8+, 10 pools of 20 cells CD103-CD8+, 20 single-cells CD103+CD8+, 20 single-cells CD103-CD8+ were generated from TILs of 3 ovarian cancers (high-grade serous ovarian cancer) by SMARTseq2
A Transcriptionally Distinct CXCL13<sup>+</sup>CD103<sup>+</sup>CD8<sup>+</sup> T-cell Population Is Associated with B-cell Recruitment and Neoantigen Load in Human Cancer.
View SamplesRegulatory T cells (Treg) represent a critical immunoregulatory component of the immune system. The signals that maintain Treg stability and potentiate their function remain obscure. Here we show that the immune cell surface ligand semaphorin-4a (Sema4a)
Stability and function of regulatory T cells is maintained by a neuropilin-1-semaphorin-4a axis.
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