The cochlea possesses a robust circadian clock machinery that regulates auditory function. How the cochlear clock is influenced by the circadian system remains unknown. Here we show that cochlear rhythms are system-driven and require local Bmal1 as well as central input from the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). SCN ablations disrupted the circadian expression of the core clock genes in the cochlea. Since the circadian secretion of glucocorticoids (GCs) is controlled by the SCN and that GCs are known to modulate auditory function, we assessed their influence on circadian gene expression. Removal of circulating GCs by adrenalectomy (ADX) did not have a major impact on core clock gene expression in the cochlea. Rather it abolished the transcription of clock-controlled genes involved in inflammation. ADX abolished the known differential auditory sensitivity to day and night noise trauma and prevented the induction of GABA-ergic and glutamate receptors mRNA transcripts. However, these improvements were unrelated to changes at the synaptic level suggesting other cochlear functions may be involved. Due to this circadian regulation of noise sensitivity by GCs, we evaluated the actions of the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX) at different times of the day. DEX was effective in protecting from acute noise trauma only when administered during daytime, when circulating glucocorticoids are low, indicating that chronopharmacological approaches are important for obtaining optimal treatment strategies for hearing loss. GCs appear as a major regulator of the differential sensitivity to day or night noise trauma, a mechanism likely involving the circadian control of inflammatory responses. Overall design: Cochlear samples from sham operated or adrenalectomized (ADX) CBA/Sca mice were collected every 4th hour during a 24h period and subjected to RNAseq (n=3 per time point, corresponding to a total of 36 samples).
Circadian Regulation of Cochlear Sensitivity to Noise by Circulating Glucocorticoids.
Age, Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
View SamplesMouse ES cells were stably transduced with a lentivirus expressing either wild-type KBP or the stable mutant KBP(KK/RR) and maintained in self-renewing growth conditions. RNA-seq was performed to assess mRNA expression differences caused by the stabilization of KBP. Overall design: 6 samples [a triplicate set for ES cells expressing wild-type KBP and a triplicate set expressing KBP(KK/RR)] were analyzed.
The TDH-GCN5L1-Fbxo15-KBP axis limits mitochondrial biogenesis in mouse embryonic stem cells.
Specimen part, Subject
View SamplesTrascriptome analysis of osteosarcoma samples were performed Overall design: Tumor samples were obtained from a previously published Sleeping Beauty forward genetic screen, cell lines were derived from previous primary tumors and sequenced using Illumina HiSeq 2000
Comparative Transcriptome Analysis Quantifies Immune Cell Transcript Levels, Metastatic Progression, and Survival in Osteosarcoma.
Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
View SamplesThe death receptor CD95/Fas can be activated by immune cells to kill cancer cells. However, most siRNAs or shRNAs targeting either CD95 or CD95L induce DICE (Death Induced by CD95/CD95L Elimination), a form of cell death in which a combination of different cell death pathways are activated, that is selective for transformed cells, and that preferentially affects cancer stem cells. We now provide evidence that both CD95 and CD95L are part of a network of genes that contain sequences that when expressed as either siRNAs or shRNAs are toxic to cancer cells. They act through canonical RNAi by targeting the 3''UTRs of critical survival genes. We propose that these embedded toxic sequences are part of a conserved mechanism that regulates cell death, and we predict the existence of endogenous siRNAs, that when produced, induce cell death to regulate genome fidelity. Our data have implications for cancer therapy and the use of RNAi. Overall design: 293T (shL3 site deleted) cells were infected with either pTIP-shScr or pTIP-shL3 and following puromycin selection large RNAs were analyzed by deep sequencing 50 or 100hrs after addition of doxycycline/HeyA8 (shR6 site deleted) cells were infected with either pLKO-shScr or pLKO-shR6 and following puromycin selection large RNAs were analyzed by deep sequencing 50 or 100hrs after addition of selection.
Many si/shRNAs can kill cancer cells by targeting multiple survival genes through an off-target mechanism.
Specimen part, Cell line, Subject, Time
View SamplesWe provide evidence that shRNAs and siRNAs derived from CD95 and CD95L preferentially target the 3'' UTRs of survival genes culminating in a very robust mode of cell death we call DISE (Death Induced by Survival gene Elimination) Overall design: 293T cells were infected with either pTIP-shScr or pTIP-shL1 and following puromycin selection RNA was analyzed by deep sequencing 100hrs after addition of doxycycline
Many si/shRNAs can kill cancer cells by targeting multiple survival genes through an off-target mechanism.
Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment, Subject, Time
View SamplesTwenty one day old seedlings of the mutant and WT grown in hydroponic culture in three replications were subjected to 25% PEG stress for one hour. The leaf samples of stressed and control seedlings were collected and preserved in liquid nitrogen for RNA isolation. Total RNA from four samples i.e. mutant control (MC), mutant stress (MS), Nagina22 control (NC) and Nagina22 stress (NS) was extracted by following the manufacturer‰۪s instructions provided with SV Total RNA isolation system Kit (PROMEGA, USA). All the steps starting from cRNA preparation to hybridization were conducted following the instructions of Affymetrix (AffymetrixGeneChip Expression Analysis Technical Manual). Chips were washed and stained in the Affymetrix Fluidics Station 450, and then scanned using the Affymetrix Gene Chip Scanner 3000. The cell intensity data files (.CEL) generated by the Gene Chip Operating Software (GCOS 1.2).
Physiological, anatomical and transcriptional alterations in a rice mutant leading to enhanced water stress tolerance.
Specimen part
View SamplesSWP73 subunits of SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes (CRCs) are involved in key developmental pathways in Arabidopsis. We found, using microarray that inactivation of SWP73B caused altered expression of genes belonging to various regulatory pathways, including leaf and flower development. On the basis of this experiment and our other data we concluded that SWP73B modulates major developmental pathways.
SWP73 Subunits of Arabidopsis SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complexes Play Distinct Roles in Leaf and Flower Development.
Specimen part
View SamplesWith frequent fluctuations in global climate, plants often experience co-occurring dry-wet cycles and pathogen infection and this combination adversely affects plant survival. In the past, some studies indicated that morpho-physiological responses of plants to the combined stress are different from the individual stressed plants. However, interaction of drought stressed or drought recovered plants with pathogen has not been widely studied at molecular level. Such studies are important to understand the defense pathways that operate as part of combined stress tolerance mechanism. In this study, Arabidopsis plants were exposed to individual drought stress (soil drying at 40% FC, D), Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000 (PStDC3000), infection and their combination. Plants recovered from drought stress were also exposed to PStDC3000. Beside we have also infiltrated P. syringae pv tabaci (PSta, non-host pathogen) individually or in combination with drought stress. Using Affymetrix WT gene 1.0 ST array, global transcriptome profiling of plants leaves under individual drought stress and pathogen infection was compared with their combination. Results implicate that plants exposed to combined drought and pathogen stress experience a new state of stress where each combination of stressor and their timing defines the plant responses and thus should be studied explicitly.
Global Transcriptional Analysis Reveals Unique and Shared Responses in Arabidopsis thaliana Exposed to Combined Drought and Pathogen Stress.
Specimen part
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Impaired tissue regeneration corresponds with altered expression of developmental genes that persists in the metabolic memory state of diabetic zebrafish.
Specimen part, Disease, Disease stage
View SamplesOlsen et al (2010) have shown that induced Diabetes mellitus (DM) in adult Zebrafish results in an impairment of tissue regeneration as monitored by caudal fin regeneration. In those studies, streptozocin was used to induce hyperglycemia in adult zebrafish, and then, following streptozocin withdrawal, a recovery phase was allowed to re-establish euglycemia, due to pancreatic b-cell regeneration. DM-associated impaired fin regeneration continued indefinitely in the metabolic memory state (MM); allowing for subsequent molecular analysis of the underlying mechanisms of MM. This study focuses on elucidating the molecular basis explaining DM-associated impaired fin regeneration and why it persists into the MM state. The analysis of microarray data indicated that of the 14,900 transcripts analyzed, aberrant expression of 71 genes relating to tissue developmental and regeneration processes were identified in DM fish and the aberrant expression of these 71 genes persisted into the MM state. Key regulatory genes of major signal transduction pathways were identified among this group of 71; and therefore, these findings provide a possible explanation for how hyperglycemia induces impaired fin regeneration and why it continues into the MM state.
Impaired tissue regeneration corresponds with altered expression of developmental genes that persists in the metabolic memory state of diabetic zebrafish.
Specimen part, Disease, Disease stage
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