Assessing the impact of HIV-1 infection on trancriptional program of quiescent CD4 T lymphocytes. Such cells were made susceptible to HIV-1 by dowmodulating SAMHD1 restriction factor using VLP-Vpx without any activation signal.
CD32a is a marker of a CD4 T-cell HIV reservoir harbouring replication-competent proviruses.
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View SamplesGene expression has been proposed as an intermediate phenotype that can increase power in complex trait gene-mapping studies. Psoriasis, an immune-mediated, inflammatory and hyperproliferative disease of the skin and joints, provides an ideal model system to evaluate this paradigm, as conclusive evidence demonstrates that psoriasis has a genetic basis and the disease tissue is readily accessible.
Genome-wide scan reveals association of psoriasis with IL-23 and NF-kappaB pathways.
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