Transcriptome analysis of hindlimb muscles from dystrophic mice.
The mdx Mutation in the 129/Sv Background Results in a Milder Phenotype: Transcriptome Comparative Analysis Searching for the Protective Factors.
Sex, Age, Specimen part
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Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibition attenuates liver fibrosis and development of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Sex, Specimen part, Disease, Treatment
View SamplesGene-expression profiles of rat liver cirrhosis induced by diethylnitrosamine and the effect of erlotinib on liver fibrogenesis and liver cancer development
Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibition attenuates liver fibrosis and development of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Sex, Specimen part, Disease, Treatment
View SamplesGene-expression profiles of liver tissue of cabon tetrachloride (CCl4)-treated mouse and the effect of erlotinib
Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibition attenuates liver fibrosis and development of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesGene-expression profiles of rat hepatocellular carcinoma induced by diethylnitrosamine (DEN) and the effect of erlotinib
Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibition attenuates liver fibrosis and development of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Specimen part, Treatment
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Integrative analysis of the melanoma transcriptome.
Disease, Disease stage
View SamplesPaired end sequencing of cDNA isolated from individual melanoma samples via the Illumina sequencing platform to identify genetic aberrations that may play a role in melanoma genesis.
Integrative analysis of the melanoma transcriptome.
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View SamplesWe profiled the gene expression levels from 8 melanoma short-term cultures and 1 melanoma cell line in order to compare to expression level estimates obtained by RNA-seq.
Integrative analysis of the melanoma transcriptome.
Disease, Disease stage
View SamplesTo realize cell transplantation therapy for Parkinson's disease (PD), the grafted neurons should be integrated into the host neuronal circuit in order to restore the lost neuronal function. Here, using wheat germ agglutinin-based trans-synaptic tracing, we show that integrin 5 is selectively expressed in striatal neurons that are innervated by midbrain dopaminergic (DA) neurons from the mouse experiments. Additionally, we found that integrin 51 was activated by the administration of estradiol-2-benzoate (E2B) in striatal neurons of adult female rats. Importantly, we observed that the systemic administration of E2B into hemi-parkinsonian rat models facilitates the functional integration of grafted DA neurons derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells into the host striatal neuronal circuit via the activation of integrin 51. Finally, methamphetamine-induced abnormal rotation was recovered earlier in E2B-administrated rats than in rats that received other regimens. Our results suggest that the simultaneous administration of E2B with stem cell-derived DA progenitors can enhance the efficacy of cell transplantation therapy for PD.
Estradiol Facilitates Functional Integration of iPSC-Derived Dopaminergic Neurons into Striatal Neuronal Circuits via Activation of Integrin α5β1.
Specimen part
View SamplesMotor-related areas of neocortex are highly differentiated into several subareas from both functional and cytoarchitectural aspects in the higher primates. To assess the molecular basis of such areal specialization, we investigated the gene expression profiles of primary motor area (M1), premotor area (dorsal and ventral) (PMd and PMv) and prefrontal area (A46) in the rhesus monkey by DNA microarray method. We found that 476 genes were differentially expressed among those areas. More than half of those genes were most abundantly expressed in M1, and most genes were complementarily expressed between M1 and A46. The expression profiles of PMd and PMv were similar to each other compared to those of M1 and A46. The data will give us a fundamental basis for further analysis of structure-function relationship of the primate brain.
Differentially expressed genes among motor and prefrontal areas of macaque neocortex.
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