The goal of the study was to analyze the principles governing the usage of alternatively spliced transcript isoform of four types of T-cells (Naïve, Central Memory, Transitional Memory and Effector Memory) between resting and activated status. However, the principles discovered in the T cells were universal and can also be applied to other cell type and tissues. Overall design: Four types of T cells were sorted and whole transcriptome analysis was performed using an Illumina machine The readme.txt contains the column headers and description for the processed data files.
Stochastic principles governing alternative splicing of RNA.
View SamplesHeLa cells lacking MORC2 generated through CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene disruption were reconstituted with either wild-type or R252W mutant MORC2, and re-repression of HUSH target genes assessed by RNA-seq Overall design: Total RNA-seq of MORC2 knockout cells, either 1) mock transduced, 2) transduced with lentiviral vector encoding wild-type MORC2 or 3) transduced with lentviral vector encoding R252W MORC2.
Hyperactivation of HUSH complex function by Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease mutation in MORC2.
Cell line, Subject
View SamplesComparative analysis can provide important insights into complex biological systems. As demonstrated in the accompanying paper, Translating Ribosome Affinity Purification (TRAP), permits comprehensive studies of translated mRNAs in genetically defined cell populations following physiological perturbations.
Application of a translational profiling approach for the comparative analysis of CNS cell types.
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View SamplesRNA-seq libraries were generated on thymic epithelial cell (TEC) subsets from thymic samples (11 days to 3 months of age). Cells were sorted to isolate cortical TEC (cTEC), MHC low medullary TEC (mTEClo) and MHC high medullary TEC (mTEChi). Between 7,575 and 50,000 cells were isolated for each sample. TEC were isolated using CD45 MACS depletion followed by the sorting protocol described in Stoeckler et al. J Vis Exp 2013 (PMID 24084687; doi: 10.3791/50951). The study has been granted ethical approval and is publicly listed (IRAS ID 156910, CPMS 19587). Overall design: 1 sample for each of cTEC, mTEClo and mTEChi were generated on a total of 3 individuals (~50,000 cells per sample) and 3 replicates for each of cTEC, mTEClo and mTEChi were generated on 1 individual (7,575 cells per sample)
Keratinocyte growth factor impairs human thymic recovery from lymphopenia.
Specimen part, Subject
View SamplesWe developed a mouse line targeting midbrain dopamine neurons for Translating Ribosome Affinity Purification (TRAP). Here, we briefly report on the basic characterization of this mouse line including confirmation of expression of the transgene in midbrain dopamine neurons and validation of its effectiveness in capturing mRNA from these cells. We also report a translational profile of these neurons which may be of use to investigators studying the gene expression of these cells. Finally, we have donated the line to Jackson Laboratories for distribution and use in future studies.
Generation and characterization of a mouse line for monitoring translation in dopaminergic neurons.
Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesThe goal of the study was to characterize the molecular signatures of CD8 T cell subpopulations sorted from HIV+ lymph nodes and HIV- tonsils. We compared the transcriptome profiles of follicular and non -foliccular CD8 T cells (sorted based on the surface expression fo CCR7 and CXCR5, chemokine receptors that govern the intratissue trafficking of T cells). This is the first study addressing this question. We found several genes differentially expressed in these two CD8 T cell populations. Our pathway analysis revealed that several pathways related to costimulation/activation as well as to beta-catenin pathway were differentially expressed in these two CD8 t cell populations too. Overall design: CD8 T cell populations were sorted and whole transcriptome analysis was performed using an Illumina machine
Follicular CD8 T cells accumulate in HIV infection and can kill infected cells in vitro via bispecific antibodies.
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View SamplesEukaryotic genes generate multiple mRNA transcript isoforms though alternative transcription, splicing, and polyadenylation. However, the relationship between human transcript diversity and protein production is complex as each isoform can be translated differently. We fractionated a polysome profile and reconstructed transcript isoforms from each fraction, which we term Transcript Isoforms in Polysomes sequencing (TrIP-seq). Analysis of these data revealed regulatory features that control ribosome occupancy and translational output of each transcript isoform. We extracted a panel of 5' and 3' untranslated regions that control protein production from an unrelated gene in cells over a 100-fold range. Select 5' untranslated regions exert robust translational control between cell lines, while 3' untranslated regions can confer cell-type-specific expression. These results expose the large dynamic range of transcript-isoform-specific translational control, identify isoform-specific sequences that control protein output in human cells, and demonstrate that transcript isoform diversity must be considered when relating RNA and protein levels. Overall design: Total cytoplasmic and eight polysomal fractions of RNA were purified from HEK 293T cells in biological duplicate. Ribosomal RNA was depleted using Ribo-Zero (Human/Mouse/Rat; Epicenter) and libraries were prepared using the TruSeq RNA v2 kit (RS-122-2001; Illumina) skipping the polyA selection step. Reads are paired-end 75bp and sequencing adapters are GATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCAC (read1) and AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGT (read2).
Tunable protein synthesis by transcript isoforms in human cells.
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View SamplesBiological comparison of gene expression profiles of adult male whole Muta™Mouse lung with its immortalized 100% confluent epithelial lung cell line counterpart. White, P.A.,et al. 2003. Development and characterization of an epithelial cell line from Muta™Mouse lung. Environ Mol Mutagen 42,3 pgs 166-184
Comprehensive comparison of six microarray technologies.
Sex, Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
View SamplesBP and ER encode proteins that act synergistically to regulate Arabidopsis inflorescence architecture. To search for genes/proteins that influence the BP/ER signaling pathways, we conducted mutagenesis of the bp er double mutant and found that a mutation in FILAMENTOUS FLOWER (FIL) suppresses many of the morphological/developmental defects in bp er. Given that FIL encodes a Zn-finger containing transcription factor, microarray analysis was conducted on bp er vs. the bp er fil line to identify genes that are misregulated and which might implicate specific genes/proteins/pathways that are involved in regulating inflorescence development.
A novel Filamentous Flower mutant suppresses brevipedicellus developmental defects and modulates glucosinolate and auxin levels.
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View SamplesImmunity to malaria can be acquired through natural exposure to Plasmodium falciparum (Pf), but only after years of repeated infections. Typically, this immunity is acquired by adolescence and confers protection against disease, but not Pf infection per se. Efforts to understand the mechanisms of this immunity are integral to the development of a vaccine that would mimic the induction of adult immunity in children. The current study applies transcriptomic analyses to a cohort from the rural village of Kalifabougou, Mali, where Pf transmission is intense and seasonal. Signatures that correlate with protection from malaria may yield new hypotheses regarding the biological mechanisms through which malaria immunity is induced by natural Pf infection. The resulting datasets will be of considerable value in the urgent worldwide effort to develop a malaria vaccine that could prevent more than a million deaths annually. Overall design: 108 samples; paired pre- and post-challenge for 54 individuals 198 samples; paired pre- and post-challenge for 99 individuals
Transcriptomic evidence for modulation of host inflammatory responses during febrile Plasmodium falciparum malaria.
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