To identify sex-based differences in gene pathways affected by endgoenous genomic instaiblity resulting in embryonic death, total RNA from E13.5 placentas was isolated for RNAseq. Placentas from male and female embryos from wild-type matings and Mcm4^C3/C3 homozygous matings were used as references. Male and female placentas derived from embryos of the genotype : Mcm4^C3/C3 Mcm2^Gt/+ from either male Mcm4^C3/+ Mcm2^Gt/+ crossed to female Mcm4^C3/C3 or male Mcm4^C3/C3 crossed to female Mcm4^C3/+ Mcm2^Gt/+ were the experimental samples. Overall design: Total RNA was isolated from E13.5 placentas and subjected to directional RNAseq to identify sex-based transciptome differences.