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Accession IconSRP044135

RNA-SEQ analysis of single cells extracted from the renal vesicles of P4 Crym-EGFP transgenic mice

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 53 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

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We used micro-dissection with FACS sorting techniques to isolate renal vesicle single cell types from post natal day (P4) kidneys. A subset of these single cell populations is analysed individually via Fluidigm single cell analysis. This analysis will determine the transcriptional profile of each cell type, identify compartment specific transcripts, compartment specific transcript isoforms and cell-type specific long-noncoding RNAs. In addition the unbiased nature of RNA-SEQ will potentially identify novel transcripts that have not been annotated in the database. Overall design: Kidneys are harvested from Tg(Crym-EGFP)GF82Gsat mice. Single cells are extracted from P4 renal vesicles using micro-dissection with FACS sorting techniques. A subset of these cells is analyzed individually via Fluidigm single cell analysis. The long term goal is to generate a transcriptional atlas of the developing kidney.
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