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Accession IconGSE79263

Analysis of gene expression in hTERT/cdk4 immortalized human myoblasts compared to their primary populations in both undifferentiatied (myoblast) and differentiated (myotube) states

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 94 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HumanHT-12 V4.0 expression beadchip

Submitter Supplied Information

hTERT/cdk4 immortalized myogenic human cell lines represent an important tool for skeletal muscle research, being used as therapeutically-pertinent models of various neuromuscular disorders and in numerous fundamental studies of muscle cell function. However, the cell cycle is linked to other cellular processes such as integrin regulation, the PI3K/Akt pathway, and microtubule stability, raising the question as to whether transgenic modification of the cell cycle results in secondary effects that could undermine the validity of these cell models. Here we subjected healthy and disease lines to intensive transcriptomic analysis, comparing immortalized lines with their parent primary populations in both differentiated and undifferentiated states, and testing their myogenic character by comparison with non-myogenic (CD56-negative) cells. We found that immortalization has no measurable effect on the myogenic cascade or on any other cellular processes, and that it was protective against the systems level effects of senescence that are observed at higher division counts of primary cells.
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