GM-CSF receptor- deficient (Csf2rb/ or KO) mice develop a lung disease identical to hereditary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (hPAP) in humans with recessive CSF2RA or CSF2RB mutations that impair GM-CSF receptor function. We performed pulmonary macrophage transplantation (PMT) of bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs) without myeloablation in Csf2rb/mice. BMDMs were administered by endotracheal instillation into 2 month-old Csf2rb/ mice. Results demonstrated that PMT therapeutic of hPAP in Csf2rb/ mice was highly efficacious and durable. Alveolar macrophages were isolated by bronchoalveolar lavage one year after administration subjected to microarray analysis to determine the effects of PMT therapy on the global gene expression profile.