To uncover molecular mechanisms specifically involved in the pathogenesis of colitis-associated colon cancer (CAC), we studied tumorigenesis in experimental models of CAC and sporadic CRC that mimic characteristics of human CRC. Using comparative whole genome expression profiling, we observed differential expression of epiregulin (Ereg) in mouse models of colitis-associated, but not sporadic colorectal cancer. Similarly, highly significant upregulation of Ereg expression was found in cohorts of patients with colitis-associated cancer in inflammatory bowel disease but not in sporadic colorectal cancer. Furthermore, tumor-associated fibroblasts were identified as major source of Ereg in colitis-associated neoplasias. Functional studies showed that Ereg-deficient mice, although more prone to colitis, are strongly protected from colitis-associated tumors, and data from serial endoscopic studies revealed that Ereg promotes growth rather than initiation of tumors.