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Accession IconGSE14000

Fine-tuning of human dendritic cells regulation revealed by translational profiling

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 24 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array (hgu133plus2)

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Dendritic cells (DCs) are the sentinels of the mammalian immune system and they undergo a complex maturation process mediated by activation upon pathogen detection. Recent studies described the analysis of activated DCs by transcriptional profiling, but translation regulation was never taken in account. Therefore, the nature of the mRNAs being translated at various stages of DC activation was determined with the help of translational profiling, which is the sucrose gradient fractionation of polysomal-bound mRNAs combined to microarrays analysis. Total and polysomal-bound mRNA populations were compared in immature (0h) and LPS-stimulated (4h and 16h) human monocyte-derived DCs with the help of Affymetrix microarrays. Biostatistical analysis indicated that 296 mRNA molecules are translationally regulated during DC-activation. The most abundant biological process among the regulated mRNAs was protein biosynthesis, indicating the existence of a negative feedback loop regulating translation. Interestingly, a cluster of 17 ribosomal proteins were part of the regulated mRNAs, indicating that translation may be fine-tuned by particular components of the translational machinery. Our observations highlight the importance of translation regulation during the immune response, and may favour the identification of novel gene clusters or protein networks relevant for immunity. Our study also provides information on the possible absence of correlation between gene expression and real protein production in DCs.
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